Tools to help you
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Anxiety can creep into your life slowly, until it feels like a constant weight pressing down on your mind and body. It’s more than just the occasional stress or worry—anxiety can impact your daily life, relationships, and overall sense of well-being. If you’re wondering whether anxiety is playing a role in your life, it’s important […]
With the rise of school shooting threats across the country and recent crisis events in the state of Georgia, parents are understandably concerned about their teen’s safety and emotional well-being. Navigating these difficult situations can be challenging for both parents and teens, especially when trying to strike a balance between maintaining open communication and avoiding […]
Trauma is a life-altering experience that leaves deep emotional and psychological imprints. While some people may process and move through trauma without lingering effects, others may develop post-traumatic stress (PTS), a condition that can disrupt daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. Understanding whether you’re experiencing post-traumatic stress is the first step toward healing, but recognizing […]
Life transitions often bring a whirlwind of emotions, uncertainty, and a flood of advice from well-meaning people. Whether it’s a job change, a move, or navigating the aftermath of a significant relationship, the ideas and suggestions you receive can be overwhelming. In these moments, it’s essential to remember that good ideas don’t have expiration dates. […]
A few months ago, at a prominent educational event, a university president spoke on an important change in how we view and teach what were traditionally known as “soft skills.” He explained that the term “soft skills” was being replaced by “essential skills” in the university’s curriculum. This shift was driven by the realization that […]
In the aftermath of a horrific event, such as an unexpected death, our hearts go out to those who have been directly impacted by the trauma. When a tragedy strikes close to home, it leaves not only physical scars but emotional ones that can take years to process. The pain and confusion felt by witnesses, […]
The Benefits of EMDR Therapy for Trauma Counseling Trauma can have a profound impact on a person’s mental and emotional well-being, often leading to long-term struggles with anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues. There are many benefits to using EMDR as a part of your trauma counseling. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has […]
Realizing you’re alone can be one of the most jarring and painful experiences, especially when it happens gradually, without warning. You might start to notice the silence in your life—the absence of phone calls, the empty weekends, and the dwindling social invites. As you reflect, the reality sinks in: those you once called friends are […]
Starting college is one of the most significant transitions in a young adult’s life. It’s a time filled with excitement, new experiences, and the thrill of independence. But with this newfound freedom comes a set of challenges that many students may not be fully prepared for. From managing their own schedules and keeping up with […]
Addiction is often depicted as a battle against substances, but beneath the surface, it is a battle against something far more insidious—loneliness and isolation. As addiction takes hold, it draws individuals into a world where the only relationship that matters is with the substance. Friends, family, and loved ones become distant memories, and a once […]