Tools to help you
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Change: Mindset and Experience.

 Change.  As therapists, we know just the word can spark excitement or stir anxiety. Some of us cling to routine, craving the predictability and comfort it brings, while others are drawn to change like moths to a flame, always seeking new horizons. But no matter how we feel about it, change is an inevitable part of life. We help our clients navigate the unwanted, unexpected and desired changes our clients face.

Change: Mindset Matters… AND so do Experiences.

How we respond to change, though, varies widely. Our personalities, past experiences, and whether the change is something we choose or is thrust upon us all shape our reactions. For some, change is a thrill—a chance to grow, explore new opportunities, and embrace adventure. For others, it’s unsettling, triggering anxiety and fear of the unknown. 

Change: Control

A key factor in how we perceive change is control. When we initiate it—moving to a new city, starting a new career, or committing to a healthier lifestyle—it feels empowering. We’re often motivated by the desire to improve our lives or reach a specific goal, and even when challenges arise, we can remind ourselves that the decision was ours. The sense of agency helps us cope with any uncertainty.

But when change happens to us, the dynamic shifts. Unplanned changes—like losing a job, facing health issues, or ending a relationship—can leave us feeling powerless and destabilized. We may resist because it disrupts our sense of control. These unexpected shifts often feel more threatening, more difficult to navigate.

Still, our relationship with change is not fixed. It can evolve over time. Those who fear change may seek comfort in routines, while others chase novelty to stay engaged with life. And our past experiences matter—if we’ve handled change well before, we’re likely to approach it with greater resilience and optimism the next time around. 

Ultimately, understanding how we respond to change helps us manage it better and helps others in relationship with us to show up better.  Whether we choose it or it comes uninvited, cultivating a mindset that welcomes flexibility and growth can make the process less daunting and more rewarding.

5 Stages of Change

The 5 Stages of Change model, helps us understand the process we go through when making significant changes in our lives. The stages—precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance—illustrate how change is not just a single event but rather a journey. During the precontemplation stage, individuals may be unaware of their need for change, often resistant or defensive about the prospect of altering their habits. As they transition into the contemplation and preparation stages, they begin to recognize the need for change and start planning for it, laying the groundwork for meaningful progress.

Reaching the action stage is when individuals actively work towards their goals, making tangible efforts to adopt new behaviors or let go of old patterns. It’s a time of commitment and hard work, where they put plans into practice despite obstacles. Finally, the maintenance stage involves sustaining these changes over time, reinforcing new habits, and remaining vigilant against potential setbacks. This stage is crucial because it emphasizes that change is not just about making initial adjustments but also about continuing to grow and adapt. Understanding these stages helps individuals and therapists alike to offer support and patience, recognizing that each phase is an important step in the pursuit of personal growth.

 At The Pursuit Counseling our therapists aim to help clients navigate through the uncharted waters of change with understanding, compassion, and insight to help you on your pursuit of what matters most to you.

We are a group of experienced therapists have come together to offer best-in-class counseling services. We prioritize clinical theory, non-judgmental approaches, and effective interventions, treatment plans, and coping skills. We have therapists who specialize in different areas and we strive to find the best match for your unique needs. Are you ready to take the first step in your Pursuit towards a happier, healthier you? We invite you to book your free 20-minute consultation with one of our skilled therapists. Don’t wait; it’s time to invest in your well-being. Simply Book Now to start your Pursuit toward personal growth and positive change today. Keep reading if you want to learn more about Life Transitions.

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