
By Kayla Ivory Unveiling the Time Warp: A Closer Look at ADHD and Its Impact on Perception Click HERE to join our 12 week ADHD Program! ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) adds its own twists and turns to the complex landscape of the human experience. One of these challenges, often overlooked, is the phenomenon of time blindness. […]

Time Blindness: ADHD


Mastering the Art of Focus: 6 Essential Skills to Thrive with ADHD Living with ADHD can present unique challenges, but with the right set of skills, individuals can not only navigate these challenges but also thrive. At The Pursuit Counseling, we understand the nuances of ADHD, and we’re here to guide you on the path […]

an illustration of an a person with adhd mind

6 Essential Skills to Thrive with ADHD


Procrastination: Breaking Free from the Grip of Delay Procrastination, the perennial nemesis of productivity, plagues many individuals, hindering personal and professional growth. The habit of delaying tasks can lead to stress, missed opportunities, and unfulfilled potential. At The Pursuit Counseling, we recognize the power of breaking free from procrastination’s grip. Here’s a roadmap to overcome […]

man in black suit jacket holding black leather bag

Procrastination: 5 Tips


“The 12 Week Year” by Brian P. Moran introduces a transformative approach to goal setting and productivity that holds particular promise for individuals with ADHD. The book challenges the traditional annual goal-setting mindset, proposing a condensed 12-week cycle to enhance focus and drive results, which aligns well with the attention and time management challenges often […]

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ADHD hacks


“The 12 Week Year” by Brian P. Moran introduces a transformative approach to goal setting and productivity. The book challenges the traditional annual goal-setting mindset, proposing a condensed 12-week cycle to enhance focus and drive results. Moran argues that the typical annual planning model often leads to procrastination and a lack of urgency. By compressing […]

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ADHD Hack: 12 Week Year


Perfectionism: Embracing Your Flaws In the human experience, the desire for excellence, innovation, and achievement is a common thread. However, when the pursuit of perfection transforms into an unrelenting quest, it creates a phenomenon known as perfectionism—a double-edged sword with the power to inspire and, simultaneously, inflict wounds. Understanding the Perfectionism Paradox Perfectionism, often hailed […]

The Flaw of “Perfect”


In the modern professional life, the ticking of the clock often overshadows the desire for personal moments and organized routines. The persistent feeling of being excessively busy, combined with the frustration of not having time for personal pursuits, fuels the need for transformative time management strategies. Here are some quick strategies to help you get […]

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Efficient Time Management


Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family, or a counselor if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Sharing your concerns can provide emotional relief and lead to valuable insights.

woman in pink sweater using laptop

Navigating College Stress: Tips for Women from a Female Therapist


Trauma can leave deep emotional wounds that can impact every aspect of a person’s life. While the journey towards healing can be challenging, writing has emerged as a powerful tool to help individuals process and heal from trauma.

person writing on notebook

Healing Trauma Through Writing


ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities. Unfortunately, a lot of people say they have it, but do they? ADHD can be seen as an excuse for not trying; however, for those affected by it, they might not get the very things they need: understanding, empathy, […]

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I don’t understand ADHD! Help me understand my student’s diagnosis?

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